Reducing Embodied Carbon: How Corporate Real Estate Can Combat Climate Change

As the world faces the realities of climate change, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to take action to reduce their carbon footprint. One area where corporate real estate can make a significant impact is in reducing embodied carbon.

Embodied carbon refers to the emissions associated with the materials and construction processes used in building projects. These emissions can be significant, accounting for up to 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions. As such, reducing embodied carbon is an important step in combatting climate change.

So how can corporate real estate play a role in reducing embodied carbon? Here are a few ways:

  1. Use sustainable materials

The choice of building materials can have a significant impact on the embodied carbon of a building project. By selecting sustainable materials such as recycled steel or bamboo, companies can reduce the carbon footprint of their building projects.

  1. Implement green leases

Green leases are a way for landlords and tenants to work together to improve the energy efficiency of a building. These leases include provisions for energy-efficient upgrades and require tenants to meet certain energy-saving goals. By implementing green leases, corporate real estate can promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

  1. Promote energy efficiency

One of the most effective ways to reduce the carbon footprint of commercial buildings is to promote energy efficiency.

  1. Consider the full lifecycle of a building

Reducing embodied carbon isn’t just about the materials used in construction. It’s also important to consider the full lifecycle of a building, including its demolition and disposal. By designing buildings that are easy to deconstruct and recycle at the end of their lifecycle, corporate real estate can further reduce its carbon footprint.

Reducing embodied carbon is an important step in combatting climate change.

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